Salam, so many things has been happening to me the past 2 months. In my hectic schedule of travelling weekly, settling my Sg Buluh house and also my Sabah house and also the kids transfer; my dino was hit by a car.
It happened on Sunday, 9th November 2008. That was the first time that i left him for two nights in Bangi. Me and Azhar were busy and didn't had the time to go back to Bangi to pick him up (if we go to Sg Buluh on Friday and he is not around, we would always go back the following day and he will be waiting by the door). On Sunday, when we returned to Bangi, the security guard told us a cat was hit by a car that evening. When we went to see, it was unrecognisable. We waited for days; hoping that the cat that was hit was not him. Up to now he never return.
However, the security guard offered another cat to me - same mother as Dino but different father. We took it but he will never replace Dino.
sedihnya...i had my share of experience masa kat kpp..menangis sakan...
I tak lah menangis but very upset with azhar for leaving him that weekend...
I tak lah menangis but very upset with azhar for leaving him that weekend...
So sorry to hear about Dino's tragic death. Do not blame hubby. Mungkin memang dah ajal Dino that weekend...
i though cats had nine lives...??? Di no should have had another 8 left...
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