Time flies... with the kids growing very fast, my raya celebration this yr has changed too. Raya has always been a special celebration especially for children... After fasting for 30 days (or 29 days this year). My kids has started to appreciate and understand raya better this year. The first two has started demanding baju raya, duit raya, kasut raya etc this year (not forgetting bunga api/mercun). Because of this, the preparation for raya was done early (unlike previous years where shopping etc were the in the last week of ramadhan).
The house is a bit more cheerful with the kids noise and bunga api/mercun and the colour of the blinking lights around the house and the traditional pelita...
Eventhough we spend the Raya away from our parents / the kids grandparents... it was still fun. My parents came for three days. This year also was the first time I made my own ketupat. I also had our open house on 7th raya. (Haven't done one for the past two years because we were in KL).
Open House Preparation (outside)
Dinie and daniel waiting for tetamu
Hampers from tetamu. (the green one is special from a politician)
Daniel penat melayan org till midnight sampai tak sempat pakai baju after mandi
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